[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. July 17

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jul 17 10:10:05 CDT 2006

Hi folks, 

I hope none of you have melted yet, but it could still happen this 
week.   It looks like every day is going to be at least 100, and  the 
temperature won't dip below the mid 70's at night.  Be sure and be safe 
if you have to go out in the extreme heat.  Drink plenty of fluids, (not 
alcoholic ones), wear cool clothing and a wide brimmed hat to create 
your own shade, and don't forget the sunblock.  Better still, just take 
a siesta during the middle of the day, and rest up to do what you've got 
to do outside either early or late.  It may still not be cool, but at 
least it won't be dangerously hot.  We got tires and a battery for our 4 
wheeler this weekend and my daughter was riding it when she noticed 
water running across the ground right next to our front yard.  She came 
and told me and I traced it back to the source, all the way back to our 
water meter.  It was standing full of water and water was just gurgling 
out of it.  At least it wasn't a break in our part of the line this 
time.  We had that experience several months ago, and I know my husband 
didn't want to hear that again.  It looked like the metal had actually 
cracked all the way across on the bottom side right under the gauge.  I 
know I've heard people talking about how the dry conditions we've been 
having are causing home foundations to crack, etc.  I guess it's 
possible that it caused this too, as the meter wasn't that old. 

Our menu for today includes:

            Chicken fried steak
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Sweet peas and onions
            Baked potato bar
Our fast food is Polish Sausage on a bun, along with Baked Beans and Chips.

And for dessert have a taste of summer with some Blackberry Cobbler.  
Add some ice cream on top and you're in heaven!

Stay cool,

Rhoda    8-)            
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