[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. July 18

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jul 18 10:19:26 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Well, we're in a seemingly unending string of over 100 degree days.  I'm 
so thankful for what little air conditioning we've got working at the 
house.  That's the only thing that makes life bearable in this heat.  Be 
sure and keep your outside plants watered and keep extra water out for 
your pets and other critters that will surely be needing a drink during 
this heat wave, and follow the heat safety instructions that Mark Hill 
forwarded to everyone.  I really feel sorry for all the animals and 
birds that have to be out in the heat.  I just have to hope that they're 
better equipped to handle it than I am!  They can do some pretty amazing 
things in order to survive.  The other day when I rode our 4 wheeler 
down through our woods with the loppers to clear our trail a little bit, 
since it grows up so quickly when we don't keep a handle on it, I saw 
the neatest little deep cup shaped bird's nest hanging just a couple of 
feet from the ground on a low hanging hickory limb.   It was neatly 
woven with thin little strips of grass, some bark, lichens from trees, 
spiderweb and moss.   I certainly couldn't build anything like that, 
could you?   I don't know what kind of bird makes a nest like that, but 
I may have to check in my bird books and see if I can find out.  There 
was no one at home in it at the time, and considering the time of year 
that it is, and with the heat the way it is, it's probably not a good 
time for baby birds.   If it doesn't look like anything is going to use 
it, I may have to cut that branch and take the little nest to the Nature 
Center at the park for everyone to see.  It's really a work of art.

Don't forget to attend the Pake McEntire concert (Reba's brother) this 
evening at Robber's Cave State Park.  It is being sponsored by Barbara 
Gilbertson who is running for state representative in Dist. 17, but all 
proceeds go to benefit our local volunteer fire departments.  They have 
a hard, but very important job and desereve our support.  They had the 
little fire that broke out on our place recently out almost before I 
even knew there was a fire.  Now that's service!  

Our menu for today includes:

             Spaghetti with meat sauce
             Crispy cube potatoes
             Green beans
             Winter blend vegetables
             Baked potato bar

Our fast food is Hot Ham and Cheese on a bun with Chips.

And for dessert we have Banana Nut Cake.

Keep cool,

Rhoda   :-)
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