[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. July 19

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 19 09:28:53 CDT 2006

Hi again folks,

Well, we're really on a roll with these over 100 degree days.  And it 
looks like they're lined up all the way to Saturday.  I told Danny 
Foster, our resident weather reporter for Channel 6, that he needed to 
order us some better weather.  He tells me it's on the way.  It's odd 
that they call these the "dog days".  Not a dog I know likes it this 
hot,  not even chihuahuas!  According to the news last night, there was 
a suspected heat induced death at Krebs this week.  You just don't 
realize how quickly the heat can overtake you.  My daughter went out on 
the 4 wheeler yesterday off down into the woods and it died on her.  She 
had to walk back up to the house after she and a friend had tried to 
push on it to get it started, and when she got back she looked 
exhausted!  She was extremely hot, her face was red and she was white 
around her lips.  That's scary!  I gave her some cool, not cold, water, 
a cool wet washcloth and made her lie down on the bed in the room with 
the window air conditioner, and she got okay before too long.  I really 
wished I had that information that Mark put out yesterday to make sure I 
wasn't doing the wrong thing.   I think now she knows how serious it can 
be when  you get too hot.

Our menu for today includes:

          Smoked pork chops
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Pinto beans
          Turnip greens
          Zucchini and tomatoes

Our fast food is Chili Dogs with Chips.

And for dessert we have Chocolate Frosted Brownies.

Come on over and cool off with us.

Rhoda   :-)

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