[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thursday July 20

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jul 20 10:19:02 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

I wanted to pass on a couple of upcoming events in the area to you.  
Tomorrow, Friday July 21, the Latimer County 4H will be having a benefit 
hamburger cookout from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm in the Wilburton Chamber of 
Commerce parking lot.  They will be serving hamburgers, cheeseburgers,  
and hot dogs with all the fixings, pop, water and chips, so if you can't 
eat in the Cafeteria with us, be sure and go down there and have a 
burger to benefit 4H and be sure to donate generously.  4H has many fun 
and educational programs for our local kids and they deserve your 

Also, there will be a recycling program set up on Tues. July 25 from 
8:00 am to 1:00 pm across the highway here in the Agriculture Complex 
parking lot.  They will be accepting car tires, pickup tires and 
semi-truck tires, as well as batteries, and pesticide containers (which 
have to be triple rinsed).  They will not accept tractor tires or ATV 
tires.   Any further information on either of these activities can be 
obtained by calling 465-3349. 

Well, I think if it was as hot at breakfast as it is later in the day, 
we could fry the breakfast eggs on the sidewalk.  I'm not sure we'd get 
many takers on eating them though.  According to the weather report, we 
are due for another couple of days of this extreme heat and then we'll 
get a cool spell, all the way down into the 90's!  That's sad isn't 
it?   I never thought you could actually refer to the 90's as a cool 
spell.  I think I'm going to have to learn to swim.  I'm really starting 
to believe in global warming and if all those icebergs are going to 
melt, I'll be in trouble.  I can't swim, I don't float, and being 
vertically challenged and horizontally gifted, I can't even wade very 

Our menu for today includes:

            Pork loin
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Fried squash
            Winter blend vegetables
            Macaroni and cheese with little smokies

Our fast food is egg rolls with rice.

And we have a Snack Cake for dessert.

Have a great weekend, but stay out of the heat!

Rhoda   :-)         
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