[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. June 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jun 29 09:58:13 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is excited about the upcoming long 4th 
of July celebration weekend, but in the excitement, please don't forget 
to be safe with your fireworks and other recreational activities.  It 
was heartbreaking after the Memorial Day weekend to see the news reports 
of several drownings in the state, even a 5 yr. old child, so we need to 
be extra careful to think safety and live to enjoy another day.  And of 
course with fireworks thrown into the mix, there's always the chance of 
a stray spark or still smoldering piece of debris causing a fire to 
start.  As fast as everything dries out in this heat, even though we've 
had some rain recently, the fire danger is still a big consideration. 

And if you're in town this weekend, you might try coming to the book 
signing at the beautifully remodeled Dome House on East Main street.  
This will be from 1-4 Sunday and refreshments will be served.   The 
author is the son of Pete and Jean Lively, the Dome House owners, and 
has just returned from Iran.  His book of poetry sells for $12.95, and 
should be very interesting.

Congratulations to Mr. Ron Cunningham, the retiring director of the 
Oklahoma Mining Training Institute here on campus who is retiring after 
23 years in the mining industry.  That's an impressive record!   A 
reception will be held for him this afternoon in Baker Hall, Room 200, 
from 1:00 - 3:00. 

Our menu for today includes:

            Beef tips
            White rice
             Broccoli with cheese
             Fried squash
             Macaroni and cheese
             Refried beans
             Spanish rice

And for dessert come and get some Strawberry Shortcake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    8-)
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