[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. June 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jun 28 11:12:36 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Sorry I'm so late getting the menu out.  We've had last minute things 
come up, questions that needed answered right now, etc., but better a 
little late than never, I guess. 

My daughter and I took all three of our house beasties to the vet 
yesterday and got their shots, for rabies, etc., and had them all 
checked for tick borne diseases which can be deadly to them if left 
untreated.  It was great to hear that they are all clear of anything 
like that.  The little Yorkie, Valentina, even had to have her toenails 
clipped, since she doesn't run around outside enough to wear them down.  
(I think she's figured out that that's where those old yucky ticks come 
from and doesn't want much to do with it.  She really doesn't enjoy 
being held down and "picked on" when she's been out and come back in 
with hitchhikers.)  The test also covers heartworms, I believe, so if 
you haven't had your pets checked for these things, you really need to.  
They just draw a small amount of blood, put it in a little tube and onto 
a special blotter paper contraption which indicates whether or not they 
have anything to worry about after just a minute or two.  On the way 
there, you would've thought they were being taken to slaughter, with all 
the panting, yapping and carrying on they were doing.  In the lobby, 
they were all so nervous, they almost had the bench we were sitting on 
shaking.  And one even tried to climb onto my head when we actually got 
into the exam room.   I probably looked like I was having a really bad, 
fuzzy blonde hair day!  Thank God, we don't have to do this but once a year!

Our menu for today includes:

          Smoked pork chops
          Pinto beans
          Turnip greens
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Sliced carrots

Our fast food is Chili Dogs and French Fries.

And for dessert have a piece of German Chocolate Cake.

Keep cool,

Rhoda   :-)
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