[Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday Mar. 3

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Mar 3 09:20:30 CST 2006

Hi folks,

Well, March is 3 days old and I still can't decide if it's coming in 
like a lamb or a lion.  The weather has been pretty nice, but it has 
been pretty windy at times.  I just looked out the back door and the sun 
is shining like everything, making me wish to go take a walk at the park 
or somewhere.  It looks absolutely beautiful out there.  I sure hope it 
stays this nice this weekend.  I've noticed that our beautiful Bradford 
pear trees are starting to bloom out front, and daffodils are coming up 
all over.  I hope they don't have to cut the trees down when the new 
building goes up.  That would be a real shame.  I really enjoy this time 
of year when everything starts coming out of it's dormant state and 
blooming brightly all over the place.  It just makes you feel good all over.

Our menu for you today includes:
            Chicken fajitas
            Refried beans
            Spanish rice
            Cheese sauce
            Baked potato bar

Our fast food is PIZZA.

And for dessert Drexel has made Confetti (or Pizza) Brownies, (a brownie 
layered with mini marshmallows, and candy crumbles on top.)

Have a great weekend and be sure and come by our PAWS adoption day in 
front of Roy's Sat. morning and take home a new best friend (if it 
doesn't rain.)

Rhoda    8-)    

P. S.  The Coffee Shop is open again today.
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