[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. March 20

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 20 09:59:55 CST 2006

Welcome back folks and Happy Spring,

I know it doesn't feel as much like it as it has on some other days, but 
they say this is the first day of spring!  They also say it may snow 
tomorrow.  Go figure.  This is Oklahoma after all.  I'm just hoping we 
got enough rain to get rid of that cursed burn ban!  I feel like I'm 
just piling up in stuff that needs to be burned and gotten rid of!  I 
hope you all had a good week off and everyone is feeling good and ready 
to be back.  I have to confess I had a hard time this morning when my 
little dog climbed into my lap shivering wanting to snuggle up and get 
warm and I had to get up and go to work and she had to settle for 
squirming under a blanket.  It's just not the same!

Be sure and welcome John Calhoun, who has taken the custodial position 
in our building.  I've known him for quite a while and he's a lot of 
fun, a big music fan and collector of albums, 8 tracks and such, so all 
you music fans should have plenty to talk about with him!

Our menu for today includes: 

        Chicken tetrazinni
        Steamed red potatoes
        Scandinavian vegetables
        Baked potato bar
        Hot rolls

Our fast food is:

        Hot ham and cheese on a bun
        French fries

And for dessert we have Apple Cobbler.

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)

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