[Eoscstudents] Menu for Fri. March 24

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Mar 24 09:50:23 CST 2006

Hi folks,

Well, it was pretty frosty out this morning.  Good thing I had a little 
de-icer left and was able to find it!  I think the thermometer said 27 
degrees when I got here.  Brrr!  I'm afraid this will damage all the 
flowers than that little bit of snow that we got did.  But it's supposed 
to be warmer this weekend, I hear.

Our menu for today includes:

       Mashed potatoes and gravy
       Green beans
       Baked potato bar
Our fast food is PIZZA!

And for dessert we have some yummy Peanut Butter Cake.

Come and have lunch with us, then have a great weekend!

Rhoda  8-)

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