[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. March 27

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 27 10:27:57 CST 2006

Hi everybody,

I hope you all had a great weekend.  I didn't get as much done as I 
wanted to, but on the other hand, I did rest quite a bit and that felt 
pretty good, so I can't complain about that.  Usually your body will let 
you know if you need to just take it easy for a while and I guess mine did.

Before I left Friday, I got to "move in" a little bit more over here.  I 
called Sheryl at the Physical Plant to have someone come over and put up 
a shelf and some picture hangers for me if they had a minute and she 
sent over a couple of really nice fellows who told me their names were 
Ken and Dave.  They were very patient with all my "Put a hanger here, no 
up,  no over.  Now one over here" and all my other notions.  When they 
told me they were charging $100 a hanger I thought, "No wonder they're 
so nice," and then, "I'm in the wrong line of work!"  (They were just 
kidding about the $100 a hole, weren't you guys?)

Our menu for today includes:

          Forgotten chicken
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Sweet peas
          Winter blend vegetables
          Baked potato bar

Our fast food is Hot dogs with chili and chips available.

And for dessert we're having a scrumptious looking Chocolate Cake.

Come and get it,

Rhoda   8-)

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