[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Mar. 29 Coffee Shop Closed

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Mar 29 09:56:11 CST 2006

Hi folks,

The Coffee Shop will be closed today due to illness.  Susie has a sick 
little boy at home and she is staying there to take care of him.  The 
Cafeteria will remain open until 2:15 so that students with scheduling 
conflicts that usually have to eat in the Coffee Shop after the 
Cafeteria has closed can eat.  Please spread the word on this so no one 
has to go without eating.

Be sure and wish Novella Ballew, the Food Services Manager, a very Happy 
Birthday today.  She is having a working birthday over here so you can 
drop by and wish her a happy birthday in person.  And like Dougo always 
says on the radio, she accepts any denomination of currency, also.

Congratulations to our CLEET class that is graduating today.  Best 
wishes from the Cafeteria staff.

Those of you that didn't get to attend the USAO Showband performance 
last night missed an excellent musical presentation.  Unfortunately, the 
fellow that does the Elvis part of the act was out with the flu, but the 
rest of the act that they put on was wonderful!  Mr. Settlemire, that is 
the director of the band also mentioned that our own Dr. Bernard was the 
one who helped get the band started.  From the quality of the 
performance they put on last night, he should be very proud to have been 
a part of bringing this into being.

We have an excellent menu for you today including a new casserole recipe:

             West of the Pecos Casserole (really smells and tastes good)
             Scalloped potatoes
             Blackeyed peas
             Corn on the cob
             Fried okra
             Baked potato bar
             Pasta bar

Our fast food is PIZZA.

And for dessert try some Blackberry Cobbler, for a taste of summer a 
little early, or a piece of snack cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda   8-)

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