[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 1, 2006

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon May 1 09:46:09 CDT 2006

May Day!  May Day!

No, that's not a distress call,  I'm just announcing that it is May now, 
it's a lovely day outside and graduation is coming up at the end of this 
week!  Wow, time does fly doesn't it?  I can hardly believe I've been 
working here a year now, or it will be a year on the 6th. 

I'd like to wish a happy belated birthday to Linda Sadler.   I didn't 
find out that her birthday was coming up til late Friday when I was in 
the business office at just the right time to wish her a happy birthday 
and have a yummy piece of birthday cake with the gang over there.  

I hope you all took the opportunity to go and see the Wizard of Oz this 
past week.   I got to go Saturday night and it was an excellent 
performance.  The characters were acted out wonderfully.   You could 
tell the actors were enjoying what they were doing.   The only downer is 
thinking that this was Ruth Brelsford's last show as theatre director 
here at Eastern.  She will still be around as a teacher, but her 
inspiration and enthusiasm will be sorely missed in the theatre. 

On the upside, though, my family and I went to a 4H End of the Year 
Banquet Friday night, and all five of the graduating seniors there were 
planning on attending Eastern this fall.  They are some excellent kids 
and I was very pleased to hear that they would be coming here to 
continue their educations before going on to a four year college to 
finish up.

Our menu for today includes:

            Smothered steak
            Steamed red potatoes
            Broccoli and cheese sauce
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is hot Ham and Cheese on a bun with chips.

And for dessert we have some yummy Chocolate Cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)       
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