[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue May 2 08:42:15 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

Well, we're off to a stormy start this morning.  Everything electrical 
even got temporarily knocked off this morning in case some of you 
weren't up yet and didn't notice.  It got real dark in here real quick!  
Of course we had to go and look outside to check the weather and there 
were dark clouds everywhere and before too long it had started raining 
pretty good.  I'm not going to complain about it though, (as long as I 
don't get struck by lightning!)  I can't remember when the weather men 
haven't been saying we're way under our normal rainfall level for this 
area, so maybe we'll finally do some catching up.  The ponds and lakes 
really need this little refresher. 

I'm getting this out a little early because I'm going to have to go home 
and take care of my sick daughter.   She is feverish, achy and whiny, 
and probably needs to go to the doctor today.   I hope this isn't some 
big, bad bug that's going around. 

Our menu for today includes:

          Chicken alfredo lasagna
          Steamed red potatoes
          Sweet peas
          Baked potato bar

Our fast food is Corn Dogs and French Fries.

And for dessert come get a taste of some Strawberry Shortcake.  Delicious!

Take care,

Rhoda   :-)
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