[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 3

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed May 3 10:17:44 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

It is just Wednesday, isn't it?  A few of us over here have been trying 
to rush the week I think.  I'm sure there will be one big collective 
sigh of relief when all the last minute end of the year happenings are 
put behind us one more time.  Classes will be over, tests will be 
finished, our graduating sophomores will be ready to go on with the next 
phase of their lives and the rest of our students and faculty will just 
be ready for a well deserved summer break.  Life goes on here in the 
Cafeteria, though.  It won't be long before we will be bustling with 
activity again as the summer camps start up and all the happy campers 
will come swarming in to be fed.  And of course, we'll still have our 
DOC folks coming in throughout it all.  We definitely stay busy here in 
the summertime.

Our storytelling group went with Plan B last night and met at the home 
of Barbara and James Lott for an enjoyable evening of  what else?  
Storytelling, laughing and one-upping each other with our recounted 
experiences.   There were a few new faces there that I hope will be back 
to join us again, to take up the slack for some of the regulars who were 
not able to join us.

Also, I've been meaning to mention that we have an Agronomy notebook 
here in the Cafeteria that I think belongs to Trent Liggin if anyone 
could let him know.   He's probably been looking for it, but not in the 
right places, and probably needs to get it back before the end of the 

Our menu for today includes:

             Pork loin
             Oven potatoes
             Pinto beans
             Turnip greens
             Hot rolls

Our fast food today is Pizza.

And for dessert we have Carrot Cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda    :-)
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