[Eoscstudents] Scholarships

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Wed May 3 10:33:40 CDT 2006

For those of you that are interested, FastWeb has posted 3 scholarships
that look pretty good.  One is A Better Earth Essay Contest..  It has a
deadline of May 31, 2006 and there are 7 awards available from $250 to
$2000.  You have to submit an essay of 2,500 words or less on the topic:
How are economic development and environmental quality related? What
institutional frameworks will allow individuals in the developing world
to solve environmental problems and eradicate proverty?

The second is iLiberty Essay Contest and this one also has a May 31,
2006 deadline.  The awards are the same as above.  This essay needs to
be 2,500 words based on a video about tobacco regulation and smoking
bans.  The video can be found on the sponsor's web site:  iLiberty.org.
After viewing the video, the student will have to submit an essay
address the following:  Should government intervene in our lives to
prevent us from making choices that might make us sick, injure us, or
even kill us?  How do we strike a balance between public health and
individual liberty?

The last one is for the FBI.  The deadline varies and there will be 4
awards of $1000.  The FBI Common Knowledge Challenge is available to
current high school and college students.  Its intent to to assist the
student in understanding what it means to work for the FBI as an agency
and as a career path.  Participants will compile a quiz at the CKSF web
site each week during the month of February.  Quiz questions will come
from information found on the FBI web site.

Information for these scholarships can be found at FastWeb.com.  You may
have to do a new user sign in.

Come by our offices and we will help.  We also have the print outs from
these scholarships posted on the bulletin board in the hall by the
computer lab.

Sue Lovett

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