[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed May 10 10:08:10 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

I hope you all made it through the storms last night with no damage.  It 
sure got wild there for a while!  We sat at the house watching all the 
pretty colors go across the TV screen, showing little rotation circles 
in it all,and Gary stepped outside and said he could hear the sirens 
going off in town at one point.  Our lights went out for a few seconds, 
but came back on.  Our neighbors across the road and some further south 
got to spend a little bit longer in the dark.   I don't know of any 
major damage that we had yet.  Of course, it's still dark when I come to 
work so if it wasn't between the front door and the road, I probably 
wouldn't have seen it anyway.  After all the storming was over, I went 
outside looking around and happened to shine my flashlight out across 
some bushes in back of the house.  I could see two pairs of eyes shining 
back at me.  It startled me there for a minute.  They were not low to 
the ground like a rabbit or something small.  Then I realized it was a 
couple of deer that had come out to graze on the freshly washed leaves 
and grass.  Evidently, all the bad weather had given them an appetite!

I hope finals week is going well for you all.  Finals will be one part 
of college life that no one will miss, I bet!

Our menu for today includes:

            Spaghetti with meat sauce
            Crispy cubed potatoes
            Garlic bread
            Green beans
            Grilled squash
            Baked potato bar

Our fast food is Indian Tacos.

And for dessert have a delicious piece of Strawberry Cake.

Come on over and have a bite,

Rhoda    :-)    
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