[Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday May 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri May 12 10:03:18 CDT 2006

Happy Friday everybody,

Well, after today, all the finals should be out of the way, and 
everybody should be that much closer to getting on with their summer 
break.  I'm sure the teachers will still have some finishing up to do, 
but the kids should be officially on summer break.

We get to go see our oldest nephew, Jacob Chancellor from Buffalo 
Valley, graduate from high school this evening.  Unfortunately he won't 
be coming to Eastern in the fall.  He has signed up to go into the 
service, so when the rest of the kids are coming to college, he will be 
going into something very different.  Too bad he won't be here, since 
he'd've been a prize on the baseball team, and he gets good grades too.  
(Not to mention he's good looking.)

Don't forget, this Sunday is Mother's Day, so be sure and do something 
nice for your mother if you're fortunate enough to still have her with 
you.  I wouldn't have believed how deeply a mother could feel for her 
child until I had one.  (I always knew you could feel that deeply for 
your pets, of course.)

Our menu for this Fantastic Friday includes:

        Spaghetti with meat sauce
         Garlic bread
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Green beans

Our fast food is a Deli Variety with Chips.

And for dessert we have Peanut Butter Pie Squares.

Have a great weekend, and for those of you I won't see til this fall, 
have a great summer,

Rhoda    ;-)  

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