[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 31

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed May 31 09:53:29 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

I can hardly believe May is over already!  And it's been raining and 
cooling things off nicely, too.  We were in Roy's Grocery the other 
evening when it started storming and raining like crazy.  You could hear 
it on the roof it was raining so hard, and then the electricity went off 
and we wandered in the semi-darkness for a little while.  I think that 
must've been when those Ding-Dongs and a few other items that my husband 
likes to snack on "fell" into our basket.  I know when we got home I was 
pulling things out of the sacks that I hadn't seen going in the basket 
but Gary didn't seem very surprised.  I don't know how much it rained, 
but the big ditches in front of the store by the highway filled up in no 
time flat.  I thought the beaver dam down the hill from our house would 
be overflowing when we came home, but evidently the brunt of the storm 
and most of the rain hit further north.  Our little beavers and ducks 
are still wading in mud. 

It's been getting busier over here this week.  Our Upward Bound kids are 
back and we have a fair sized group of D. O. C. folks, and a new batch 
of Language Co. kids.  Then this weekend, we'll have Aggie Camp.  Our 
busy summer is just getting started!

Our menu for today includes:

         Pork loin with pork gravy
          Pinto beans
          Baby whole carrots
          Corn on the cob

Our fast food is Burgers and Oven fried potatoes.

And for dessert we have some Luscious Lemon Cake.

Come on over and try some,

Rhoda    :-)


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