[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Nov. 13

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 13 10:08:03 CST 2006

Hi folks,

I  hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was fine, even if it did 
seem a bit short.  I guess it's because time seems to be going by so 
fast!  Can you believe next week is Thanksgiving!  Then before we know 
if Christmas will be here (and I, once again, won't be ready in time). 

I did manage to get to Staples this weekend and get a brand  new gadget 
for the office.  (It does everything but cook for us and if I could've 
found one that would do that too, I'd've had to get one for my 
house,too.)  You probably all remember about the untimely demise of my 
printer recently.  Well, now I have a brand new printer, copier, fax, 
scanner to figure out how to hook up. Then I'll be back up and running, 
able to print my own forms, etc. without having to sneak in and invade 
Novella's space everytime she turns around.   It may require some expert 
help to get it hooked up right before it's over with, though.  Wish me 
luck with that.   If there's any possible way to misunderstand what they 
mean on those directions sheets, my mind will find it. 

Our menu for this chilly Monday includes:

          Chicken enchilada casserole
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Sweet peas
          Baked potato bar

Our fast food is Meatball Subs and French Fries.

And if you feel some unexplained tremors today, don't worry, it's just 
the Earthquake Cake we're having for dessert.

Come on over and try some,

Rhoda   ;-)
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