[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Fri. Nov. 17

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Nov 17 09:50:03 CST 2006

Hi everyone,

Well, when we get this day over with, most of us can breathe a sigh of 
relief, and go home for Thanksgiving: food, fun and family, and food, 
(did I mention food?)  I hope you all have a very enjoyable Thanksgiving 
break.  All of us have something to be thankful for, whether it be the 
opportunity to receive a good education to prepare us to make our way in 
the world,  the productive work of  providing that education, or 
whatever kind of work we do to assist in that endeavor, as well as 
family, friends and pets who make our lives worth living.  Remember to 
take time to count your blessings and give thanks to the provider of all 
good things.

Be sure and wish Karen Darby a Happy Birthday today.  By a strange 
coincidence, her twin sister Kelly Bogard is having a birthday too, so 
you'd better make those wishes doubled.   I hope they have a lot of fun 
on their special day.

And don't forget, this evening at 7:00 is your last chance to go and see 
"The Golden Goose".  Don't let the golden goose get away without you! 

Our menu for today includes:

          Chicken and noodles
          Mashed potatoes
          Green beans
          Fried okra
          Hot rolls
          Baked potato bar

As always, Pizza is a big hit on the fast food line.

And for dessert try some Sock-it-to-Me Cake, or a yummy Chocolate Brownie.

Have a wonderful, and safe Thanksgiving Break,

Rhoda   :-)
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