[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Oct. 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Oct 10 10:36:04 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

When I drove to work this morning it was not raining.  I got here, 
stopped and parked, dropped something in the floor, and bent down to 
pick it up and when I raised back up, the sprinkles had started.  
According to the thermometer on my computer, courtesy of theWeather 
Channel, it is only 61 degrees here.  It finally feels like fall!  I 
even had a hot chocolate this morning just because it's a good fall 
thing to do.

Last Friday, Novella and I got to attend a planning meeting to discuss 
the new building.  It's pretty exciting to actually get to see what 
they've got in the works for us after hearing about it for so long.  We 
also got to give the planners a few suggestions regarding our portion of 
the construction, which we hope will prove helpful and make the building 
a better fit for our needs.  I believe they said they should be breaking 
ground in January.  I hope it's not frozen by then!  I think breaking 
ground is supposed to be more of an expression than a literal term.

Our friendly little raccoon family was back last night, eating cat food 
like crazy.  Right in our front door, too.  I thought when we stopped 
putting food out in the automatic feeder they'd move on.  I didn't mean 
move on into our front door where we're feeding the cats now!   There 
was a stubby tailed possum out there first, but when I looked out, he 
waddled off.  Then when I looked out again, there were a couple of 
raccoons.  I motioned for my husband to come over and we stood there 
watching them for a while, completely undisturbed by us.  They finally 
started looking off to the left like they were seeing something that was 
making them uneasy, and then they took off.  We opened the door and went 
out only to see two more raccoons standing there, waiting their turn at 
the food, I suppose.  We have more critters than we know what to do with.

Our menu for today includes:

             Baked chicken
             Scalloped potatoes
             Florentine rice
             Baby whole carrots
             Hot rolls

Our fast food is Corn Dogs.

And for dessert we have Chocolate Cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)
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