[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. Oct. 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 23 10:02:27 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

I hope you all had a very enjoyable Fall Break.  It seems like we went 
places, did things and ate all manner of food Thurs., Fri. and 
Saturday.  Then yesterday it caught up with me and I felt like crud all 
day, so I just rested.   I hope I can begin to get back in the swing of 
things at the house today and get some stuff done, which is what I had 
intended to do yesterday originally.   We did find some good bargains at 
a few rummage sales this weekend, and got to replace our out of 
commission dishwasher with a working one for $20.00.  Not bad.  I also 
found one of those snuggly fleece blankets that zips and snaps around 
you and boy did it come in handy Saturday night at the family Halloween 
Party.  I couldn't believe how cold it got!  And this morning my station 
wagon was all frosted over and had to be scraped and thawed before I 
could come to work.  I'm glad it's not 100 degrees anymore, but I wasn't 
ready for this stuff yet either.

Don't forget to attend the book reading and discussion this evening at 
the Latimer County Public Library at 7:00 pm.  Rilla Askew, (Ruth 
Brelsford's sister and author of several books set in mostly rural 
Okla.) will be there to talk about her book "Fire in Beulah", a work of 
fiction, but with some historical facts taken from Okla. history dealing 
with the infamous Tulsa race riots in the Greenwood District.  I have 
been reading the book and it really draws you into the characters and 
their stories.

Congratulations and best wishes to Leah Miller and Brian McLaughlin on 
their marriage this past weekend.  I hope they have much happiness together.

Our menu for today includes:

            Chicken enchilada casserole
            Steamed red potatoes
            Baby carrots
            Baked potato bar

Our fast food is a Meatball Sub with Marinara Sauce and Tator Tots.

And for dessert have a piece of Strawberry Cake.

See you at lunch,

Rhoda   :-)

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