[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Sept. 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 11 10:19:25 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

Well, as I'm sure you're all aware, today is the 5 year anniversary of 
the bombing of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.  Definitely a day to 
remember and be thankful that we're in no worse shape than we are at 
this point.  And a day to make a special effort to pray for our leaders 
on all levels, that they do not fail at their appointed tasks to do 
what's best for our country, our state, our community and even our 

Our little family grew this weekend.  We were driving around Saturday 
and came across seven abandoned cats and kittens.  Luckily my husband 
has a soft heart too, (I couldn't live with anybody who didn't), so we 
wound up taking them all home.  Now I can honestly say we have more cats 
than we know what to do with.  (We had five already.)  Evidently, 
someone had cleaned out their neighborhood of as many cats as they could 
catch.  And I had recently had a request from Cyndi Deela to help her 
find homes for five kittens that she had, and a call from another friend 
with three, so if anyone needs a new cat or kitten, I can definitely fix 
that for you.   It's sad when people dump their or their neighbors pets 
out like that.   Pets come to trust and depend on humans and that trust 
should be honored.  I'm just glad we found them as soon as we did, 
before they starved or became meals for the coyotes or some other 
predator.   They are all friendly and healthy looking, so if you need a 
new pet, please let me know.

Our menu for today includes:

            Chicken enchilada casserole
            Steamed red potatoes
            Baby carrots
            Baked potato bar

For a  fast food today, we have Meatball subs with Marinara Sauce and 
Tator Tots.

And for dessert we have Banana Split Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)  
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