[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Aug. 16

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Aug 16 09:23:31 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

And the heat wave continues.  Is that what's driving all these crickets 
in amongst us?  I can't say as I blame them, to want to get out of the 
heat, but when they come in here and we have the premises sprayed 
regularly, it's suicidal.  They're like the lemmings that fling 
themselves over a cliff or into the ocean or whatever it is that 
lemmings do, but they're flinging themselves into Eastern to die in 
droves all over the floors.  I noticed the other day when the President 
was giving his talk at the Faculty/Staff meeting, every few seconds you 
could see another cricket crawling up toward the front of the room 
toward him.  (I thought they might have been plotting to carry him 
off.)  I know they're driving the custodians crazy.  It's not like 
sweeping up dirt that stays in one place.  It's like living litter 
sneaking around and crawling back into places you already cleaned.  
Right after you clean, and leave the room and the coast is clear, here 
they come out of the woodwork.  If we could sell all of them for fish 
bait or something, we might just solve our budget crunch.   If not, we 
may have to change our team name to the EOSC Crickets!  

Be sure and wish Bookstore Manager, Ali Martinez, a happy early birthday 
today, as she's taking off tomorrow on her real birthday.  

Our menu for today is (no, not crickets):

            Pork chops
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Pinto beans
            Pasta bar
Our fast food is Indian Tacos.

And for dessert have a luscious piece of Chocolate Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)    
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