[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Dec. 3

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Dec 3 10:42:12 CST 2007

Happy December folks,

Ho, Ho, Ho!  How in the world did it get to be December already?  There 
are a lot less shopping days til Christmas than I'm probably going to 
need, especially with no more bright ideas than I have of things to get 
for the people on my gift list.  Occasionally I'll find what I think is 
just the right thing for just the right person, but that happens like 
once a season, and I blew that yesterday, so the whole rest of the 
Christmas shopping season is going to be spent with me feeling confused 
and uninspired. 

Candlelighting was wonderful last night.  I arrived a little late, 
somewhere in Scene 2, but what I saw of it was a good representation of 
how things can snowball on you at the holidays, and we forget to make 
time for the simple things that make this time of year so memorable in 
years to come.  Don't forget the reason for the season.

We had a CAT-tastrophe at our house yesterday when I realized our little 
cat C. C. had gotten a big fish hook, still attached to the pole, hooked 
through one of the toes of her front paw.  Ouch!  I had to call a 
neighbor boy, (who reportedly doesn't even like cats, but was nice 
enough to come and help me save this one), and he brought snips to try 
and cut the hook.  I couldn't cut it, but he managed to get it cut.  All 
the while I was praying that the cat wouldn't bite or scratch him.  That 
would've just sealed his dislike of cats, but she was very well behaved 
considering what she was going through.  Maybe her good behavior will 
help convince him to become an ex-cat-hater. 

Maybe some of us PAWS folks should give Mr. Schoggins some lessons on 
how to deal with his new student.  Dog 101:  Pet, scratch, feed, 
repeat.  If he's smart enough to know all about computers, a dog should 
be much simpler and a welcome change of pace.  (FYI:  You never boot or 
reboot a dog.)  They're great stress relievers.  They love 
unconditionally, and never judge you on whether you have the coolest 
clothes, or a big bank account, or how you look, only on how you treat 
them, ((and they're pretty forgiving on that, too).  This may be one 
case where the student teaches the teacher.  Mr. Schoggins, you have 
been dog blessed.

Our menu for today includes:

             Chicken parmesan with pasta
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green peas
             Baked potato bar
             Hot rolls

Our fast food is Tacos, Refried beans, Spanish Rice, and Nacho chips 
with Picante Sauce, and we have Yellow Cake for dessert.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)



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