[Eoscstudents] Grant Aid Help

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Tue Dec 4 09:48:50 CST 2007

We have not had a very good response from students this time for grant 
aid scholarships.  We have over $14,000 to distribute this semester, and 
only 6 people have signed up.  If you know any of these students, please 
tell them to come to my office, room 115 in Johnston Hall, THIS WEEK to 
sign up.  If you are a participant and were here in the spring 07 
semester and your name is not on the list, contact me so I can tell you 
why did not qualify.  It may be that I just overlooked you.  Remember, 
$400 is the least amount you can get from Grant Aid, but you could get 
much more.  It just depends on how many sign up for it and how many 
qualify.   Signing up does not guarantee that a student will get the 
money, but NOT signing up does guarantee that the student WON'T get the 

The complete list is as follows:  (We need to see you even if you don't 

Calib Adams 	Mandi Cotton 	Kristine Kemple 	Tera Sue Petchinsky
Mary Aynes 	Stacy Davis 	Laci Ketchum 	Melissa Robbins
Amanda Barker 	Kyle Eastwood 	Jessica Knight 	Lucille Rodriguez
Joshua Barnes 	Michael Eaton 	Kelsey Knight 	Catherine Sam
Tracy Beck 	Regina Ferguson 	Maureen Lawrence 	Claudia Thompson
Penni Benham 	Manuel Franklin 	Christy Lizik 	R. Leanne Thompson
Max Blansett 	Cade Gibbs 	Jessica Longshore 	Kayla Threadgill
Debbie Boere 	Meaghan Green 	Steffany Lovenburg 	Nathan Toothman
Cody Brown 	Regina Grice 	Priscilla Lyles 	Eureka Tresner
Tamitha Camacho 	Adam Griffitts 	Freedom Madina 	Erica Vihroski
Megan Carline 	Beau Hall 	Tara Morrow 	Natasha Vinson
Kendra Click 	Catherine Hobbs 	Ashton Mowdy 	Cody Wilson
William Cockerhan 	Chris Jones 	Jessi Pearce 	Andrea Woods
Cindy Collins 	Jeanette Keller 	Daniel Peoples 	Sommer Wright

Thanks for your help.
Sue Lovett

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