[Eoscstudents] [Fwd: [Eoscall] (no subject)]

Kimberly Ott kott at eosc.edu
Thu Dec 6 11:04:05 CST 2007

We have been notified that some have had trouble opening this so, I am 
trying to resend it.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Eoscall] (no subject)
Date: 	Wed, 05 Dec 2007 16:37:04 -0600
From: 	Ann Owens <aowens at eosc.edu>
Reply-To: 	aowens at eosc.edu
Organization: 	Eastern Oklahoma State College
To: 	eoscall at lists.onenet.net, eoscstudents at lists.onenet.net






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