[Eoscstudents] Menu for Fri. Feb. 2 Happy Ground Hog's Day!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 2 09:56:03 CST 2007

Hi everyone,

Well, today's the day we find out if the ground hog is going to see his 
shadow and give us 6 more weeks of winter.   Or so the tradition says.  
The only thing is, the "official" ground hog is way off in Pennsylvania, 
and we're way out here in Oklahoma, where some people say we ought to go 
by a prairie dog, or maybe in this part of the state, an armadillo or 
maybe a cottontail rabbit or something somewhat local.   I don't really 
want 6 more weeks of winter, but I'm not looking forward to the heat of 
summer either.  I've found myself wanting to finish out the winter in 
hibernation lately.  My daughter and I did go walk down into our woods 
yesterday just to look around at the snow.  It's neat because you can 
tell what's been there before you by the tracks when it's snowed.  Two 
of our little dogs went with us, and they had so much fun running and 
romping in the snow that I wished I'd brought a video camera or at least 
a regular camera.   Some of our cats went also, and when we got down the 
hill to a little stream that runs through down there, one of them 
thought they could just saunter across the ice.  Unfortunately it wasn't 
that thick, and after just a few steps, the cat got dunked and had to 
turn and scramble back to shore, shaking each paw with every step.  The 

Susie was able to get out of the driveway today since they had moved the 
pickup to a slightly less risky location yesterday, so the Coffee Shop 
is open again for you fast food lovers, or people with scheduling 

I bet a good percentage of you will be watching the Super Bowl this 
Sunday.  Me,  I'm one of those people you hear about that really doesn't 
even know who's playing, but I'm looking forward to seeing the new 
commercials.  Due to the hefty price tag on every second of commercial 
time during the big game, advertisers really go all out to come up with 
the most unique, imaginative and memorable ideas to use for this time 
slot.  I don't care which one of those overpaid fellows can kick the 
ball the farthest or run with it the fastest, I just want to get a good 
laugh out of the commercials.  (And I hope there are no more wardrobe 
malfunctions this year.)    
Our menu for today includes:
        Beef tips and rice
        Oven fried potatoes
        Mixed vegetables
        Black eye peas
        Baked potato bar
        Hot rolls

Our fast food for today is PIZZA again.  Our new pizza cook is Crystal 
Tengbeh, so please make her welcome when you see her.

And for dessert try a piece of Wacky Cake.   

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)
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