[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Feb. 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Feb 7 10:58:20 CST 2007

Hi folks,

Wasn't yesterday lovely?   It seemed like springtime outside yesterday 
evening, what with the sun shining, and the birds singing like I hadn't 
heard them sing in months.  I even opened the front door early this 
morning and surprised a couple of deer in our front yard.  (I thought 
maybe some of them had been visiting since one of our apple trees looked 
a little bit gnawed on.)  That kind of makes me rethink the idea that 
grasshoppers had chewed a couple of apple trees we planted a few years 
ago down to the bare wood.  It just may have been deer instead, but the 
only thing I ever saw gnawing on the trees was scads of grasshoppers so 
they got the blame.   (Besides, I like deer so much better than 
grasshoppers no matter what they chew on.)   Why don't they have a 
grasshopper season where everybody buys a license, weapons and 
ammunition and dresses all in camo and goes out and shoots 
grasshoppers?  I could go for that!  I know they don't have big antlers 
and the heads aren't big enough to mount on the wall, but they are such 
nuisances!  We could even have a "Big 'Hopper Contest".   Hmmm...we just 
might have something here.

We seem to have custody of someone's Algebra book here in the Cafeteria 
and have had for several days now.  I've always heard that true geniuses 
function on a different level than the rest of us.  If you can "get" 
algebra, that's a pretty high level, but if you can't keep track of the 
book that could cause some problems on a more practical level.  Also, is 
there a law against putting your name in your textbook or notebook 
around here?  If you don't want to write in the book maybe just a sticky 
note with your name on it would work.  It seems like most all of the 
books we find don't have any identification in them, or if they do, we 
really have to dig for it. 

Our menu for today includes:

             Indian tacos 
             Pinto beans
             Corn on the cob
             Florentine vegetables
             Hot rolls

Our fast food today is PIZZA!

And for dessert we have Peach Cobbler or Cherry Chip Cake with Chocolate 
Frosting.  Yum!

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)
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