[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 9 11:13:34 CST 2007

Hi again everyone,

I hope your week started off well and you haven't broken too many of 
your New Year's resolutions yet.  My husband finally broke down and 
decided to do something he'd needed to do for YEARS and give up 
tobacco.  I was really thrilled about this especially since I have 
asthma and can't handle very much smoke.  I think what really got 
through to him was when he realized how much money he was actually 
spending on this habit.  We figured we would use the money we saved to 
buy something big or take a neat trip somewhere. 

Our menu for today includes:

             Cheeseburger cassserole
             Steamed red potatoes
             Baby carrots
             Rice pilaf
             Pasta bar

And for dessert, since we have the ice cream machine up and running 
again, we're having Ice Cream with Toppings.

Sorry I'm so late getting this out, but the system "ate" my first draft.

Rhoda   :-)
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