[Eoscstudents] Stalking Awareness

Levenia Carey lcarey at eosc.edu
Thu Jan 11 10:35:59 CST 2007

Good Morning:

What is Stalking?  While legal definitions of stalking vary from one 
jurisdiction to another, a good working definition of stalking is a 
course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a 
reasonable person to feel fear.

Did you know:

77% of female victims and 64% of male victims know their stalker.

87% of stalkers are men

Did you know the impact of Stalking includes:

26% of  Stalking victims lost time from work as a result of their 
victimization, and 7% never returned to work. (Tjaden & Thoennes. 
(1998).  30% of female victims and 20% of male victims sought 
psychological counseling.

Did you know:

2/3 of stalkers pursue their victims at least once per week, many daily, 
using more than one method.

And on college campuses - Did You Know:

80% of campus stalking victims knew their stalkers.

Know the facts, be aware of your surroundings and seek help when needed.

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