[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Jan. 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Jan 12 10:08:58 CST 2007

Hi folks,

I hope you're ready for the coming maelstrom, whatever it turns out to 
be:  ice, snow or just plain hard rain.  Not to mention the really cold 
temperatures.  All this considered some of our weekend plans may be 
changed.  Better have some groceries stocked up.  I don't know about 
you, but when it gets really cold, I don't want to get out go to the 
store even if I can.  It's funny, I don't mind getting out in the cold 
or snow and walking around and looking at the scenery, but please don't 
make me get in the car and go to the store!

Don't forget it's Girl Scout Cookie time.  If you need a supplier, I bet 
Patricia Rector or maybe Phillip Hawthorne can fix you up.  They both 
have daughters in Girl Scouts so I'm sure they will be swamped in 
cookies sometime next month.

Our menu for today includes:

          Beef tips with rice
          Macaroni and cheese
          Tuscan vegetables
          Black eye peas
          Baked beans
          Hot rolls

Our fast food is Chili Cheese Fries.

And for dessert we have some yummy Peanut Butter Cake.

Come and get it,

Rhoda    :-)

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