[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Jan. 17 COFFEE SHOP CLOSED

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jan 17 10:18:19 CST 2007

Hi folks,

Whew!  What a busy morning we had over here feeding around 140 electric 
workers first thing!  Those guys have a cold day ahead of them to do 
their work in, too.  According to my computer thermometer, it's just now 
23 degrees outside.  The ice is certainly beautiful on the trees and 
everything, but it has really caused a lot of hardship on people.  These 
fellows have come from several different states to help us out and get 
us back on track so be sure and thank them when you see any of them.   
Susie from the Coffee Shop is helping down here until further notice so 
that we can keep up.  We will be serving the electric workers breakfast 
and dinner and fixing them sack lunches to take with them for the middle 
of the day.

Our menu for today includes: 

        Indian tacos
        Pinto beans
        Corn on the cob
        Florentine vegetables
        Baked potato bar
        Hot rolls

Our fast food is Hot Dogs and Chips.

And for dessert we have Chocolate Cake and Lemon Cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda     :-)           
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