[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Jan. 18 Coffee Shop Closed

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jan 18 10:08:22 CST 2007

Hi folks,

Well, I just thought we were busy yesterday at breakfast.  We served 
even more of the emergency electric workers this morning.  Evidently 
some more of them arrived yesterday to try and help get this part of the 
world up and running.  Between serving them breakfast and dinner and 
having sack lunches ready for them to take with them,  we've had to pull 
Susie out of the Coffee Shop, (kicking and screaming), to help us down 
here.  We're not sure how long this may take, but we will be sure and 
let you all know when we're able to get the Coffee Shop opened up 
again.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  It's one of those things we do 
"for the greater good", and you just have to bear with us.

I hope you're all prepared for this weekend.  They've been saying 
there's a really good chance of snow starting Saturday morning and 
continuing until Sunday afternoon or so.  Be sure and stock up on all 
the food and other supplies you may need, including pet food.  I hate to 
have anything else come down after what we just went through, but maybe 
snow will be a little more enjoyable than the major ice storm some of us 
are still digging out from under. 

Our menu for today includes:

          Turkey with stuffing
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Sweet potato casserole
          Capri Blend vegetables
          Green beans
Our fast food is Nachos and Cheese Sauce.

And for dessert we have Blueberry Cobbler or Cherry Cobbler.

The temperature outside is actually almost up to freezing so maybe you 
won't get frost bite if you come over and eat with us.

Rhoda    :-)
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