Levenia Carey lcarey at eosc.edu
Fri Jan 19 16:56:02 CST 2007

Good Afternoon:

It has been an extremely busy day, but I didn't forget that I promised 
to send out tips on things you need to know about Stalking.

1.  Stalking is a crime.
          Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person 
that places a reasonable person           in fear for her or his safety. 
It is against the law in every state.  Stalking across state lines or in 
          federal territories is illegal under federal law.

2.  Many people are Stalked.
          1 in 12 women and 1 in 45 men will be stalked in their lifetimes.
          1.4 million people are stalked every year in the United States.

3.  Stalking can be very dangerous.
          76 percent of women killed by their intimate partners were 
stalked by these partners before
          they were killed.  All stalkers should be considered 
unpredictable and very dangerous.

4.   Stalking is harmful and intrusive.
          Stalking victims often lose time from work or never return to 
work, and some even relocate
          to regain a sense of safety.  Many suffer from anxiety, 
insomnia, and severe depression as a
          result of being stalked.

5.   Anyone can be stalked - not just celebrities.
          The vast majority of stalking victims are ordinary people.  
Furthermore, most stalkers are not
          strangers, but are known by their victim.

MORE tips to come.   Weather permitting I will be at a mandated grant 
conference in Washington, DC next week, but I will email tips from 
there.   Stay safe and WARM and have a great weekend.


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