[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. Jan. 22

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jan 22 09:55:06 CST 2007

Hi everyone,

I trust you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine wasn't looking too bright 
at the start, literally.  When I got home Friday, my electricity was off 
again, and the house was getting chilly, but it was only a couple of 
hours til they had us lit up again and ready for nighttime.  (I was 
really impressed since I'd heard rumors that it might be up to three 
days before we got our electricity back on.)  You really don't realize 
what a luxury and a blessing having electricity is until it goes out on 
you for a while.  And how much you depend on being able to walk into a 
dark room, flip a switch and immediately be able to see!  I've 
discovered that even when the electricity is off, I'm still in the habit 
of walking in and flipping that light switch!  It's kind of like when 
your phone doesn't work, the first thing you want to do is call someone 
and tell them to come and fix it.  We really are creatures of habit.

Thankfully the big snowstorm that they were predicted veered north of us 
and all we got was rain.  Isn't that something?  Someone asked me if I 
had ordered all that and I said, "Yeah, I sure did...back in July!"  I 
guess it was on backorder.

Our menu for today includes:

             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Pasta bar
             Garlic bread
             Hot rolls

Our fast food is Hamburgers and French Fries.

And for dessert we have a choice of either Apple or Cherry Cobbler.  
Don't forget , you can top it off with some ice cream!

Come and get it!

Rhoda    :-)
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