[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Jan. 24

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jan 24 09:42:36 CST 2007

Hi folks,

The weather this week is just supposed to get better and better, at 
least til this weekend.  Then it gets colder and who knows what may fall 
on us.  Let's hope it's not much of anything.

Friday evening don't forget to go to the performance at the Liberty 
Theatre in Hartshorne, featuring Jared Wagner, who has been seen on TV 
in "America's Most Talented Kid" and in the movie "Home of the Brave".  
Our own local boy, Kyle Williams, will be a special guest during this 
performance, also.  Tickets are available on campus at the radio station 
in Baker Hall for $7.50.  This should be a wonderful night of family 

And if you don't have lunch plans on Sunday the 28th, there will be a 
Chili and Bean Dinner at the Red Oak School Cafeteria to raise money for 
the Latimer County Arts Council so that they can continue to bring 
talented artists and performers to all our county schools.  There is not 
a lot of opportunity in this area for local children to see or hear 
poets, painters, writers, magicians, musicians, and other performers 
such as the Arts Council can bring to this area, and it is a wonderfully 
enriching experience for our children.  The dinner, sponsored by the Red 
Oak Masonic Lodge,  will feature chili, beans, all the fixin's and a 
variety of homemade desserts, and will be served from 11:00 a.m. til 
2:00 p.m.  Please come on out and support this worthy cause, and tell a 
friend, too.

Our menu for today includes:

          Chicken parmesan with marinara sauce
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          English peas
Our fast food is Nachos with Cheese Sauce.

And for dessert we have Brownies or Boston Creme Pie. 

Come on over,

Rhoda    :-)

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