[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Thurs. June 14

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jun 14 11:29:58 CDT 2007

Hi folks, 

Sorry I'm behind getting the menu out today.  I worked out front this 
morning and then attended the Staff Council Meeting, so I haven't been 
in my office very much at all.   At the Staff Council meeting it was 
brought up that there will be a Plant  Sale in front of the Pawn Shop 
Saturday from 12:00 to 4:00 with the proceeds going to the Relay for 
Life.  They will also have BBQ sandwiches, chips, etc. available for 
purchase.  You can also give a donation to get your name in the drawing 
to win a Spa Basket full of goodies to pamper yourself with, or a 
helicopter ride for you more adventurous souls.  (If I won the 
helicopter ride, I'd probably need the Spa Basket afterwards to calm 
myself down.  I've never been off the ground before in a plane or a 

Don't forget the rodeo is this weekend and the parade is Saturday 
afternoon at 4:00 in downtown Wilburton.  Check your local paper, as I 
believe there are other activitites planned for your amusement during 
the weekend.

Our menu for today includes:

                Baked chicken
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Garden blend rice
                Pasta bar
                Hot rolls

Our fast food today is Meat and Cheese Nachos.

And for dessert have a piece of Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    8-)    
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