[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 16 Lunch in East Cafeteria today

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed May 16 09:56:18 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

It's hard for me to believe but today is my daughter's 14th birthday!  
I'm still not ready to have a teenager, much less one who's into their 
second year of it!  Unbelievable!   She's now at that age when she 
doesn't want presents for her birthday anymore.  Just give her the money 
and take her shopping, preferably to the mall, any mall.  She's got her 
own specific opinions on what she likes and wants and what she doesn't, 
most of which I just don't get, but I love her anyway.  It was much 
easier when she was little and I could just buy cute little girl clothes 
and dress her in them and she was a happy camper.  But there's a 
commercial on TV that makes a good point saying what goes in the body is 
more important than what goes on it anyway.  How true!

We will be serving lunch in the East Cafeteria today due to Jerald and 
Roy  working on the floors in the West Cafeteria.   We will notify 
everyone when this is finished and we can serve in the regular area once 
again.   This is one of those little projects that we have to do 
periodically and we appreciate your patience with us.

Our menu for lunch today includes:
             Pork loin roast
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Sweet peas
             Hot rolls

Our fast food is Chili Dogs and French Fries.

And for dessert have a big piece of Chocolate Cake.  Yummy!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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