[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 7 09:43:50 CST 2007

Hi folks,

Well, there was officially frost on the pumpkin this morning as the 
saying goes, or on my windshield, to be more accurate.  I was glad I had 
thought to buy some de-icer this past weekend.  I did begin to wish I'd 
gotten the aerosol kind instead of the pump kind when I couldn't get the 
nozzle to turn with my cold fingers and got hold of it with my teeth to 
do it and found out that de-icer does not taste good.   On the upside 
though, it seems to evaporate quickly.  And so far it's not toxic.

Congratulations to the Duncan Family on their long awaited new arrival, 
Brevyn Emyr.  I understand his arrival had to be scheduled around 
basketball season, but since it was hurried up instead of postponed, I 
don't think Elizabeth probably minded too much. 

It's looking like this weekend may be a good one for fall foliage trips, 
like going over Talimena Drive.  Maybe not so good where the gas prices 
are concerned, though.  You may have to spend a lot of green in your 
search to see  the beautiful reds, oranges and yellows.  

I am falling behind on Happy Birthday wishes and need to catch up.  
Recent birthdays include Leon Hanebrink on Oct. 30,   Paula Ogden on 
Nov. 1, and Viki Vogt on Nov. 4.  I hope they all enjoyed wonderful 
celebrations and will each have a wonderful year to come.

Our menu for today includes:

             Indian tacos
             Pinto beans
             Oven fried potatoes
             Cabbage and smoked sausage

Our fast food is Tuna Salad with Chips and Pickles, and dessert is 
Chocolate Delight. 

Don't forget, we have Hot Chocolate over here for those frosty mornings, 
regular and sugar free. 

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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