[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Nov. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Nov 8 10:05:49 CST 2007

Hi folks,

Well, it wasn't as cold this morning. I didn't have frost on my 
windshield to spray and scrape off like yesterday.  It's a good thing 
too, since when I went out to take my turn at the PAWS pens yesterday, 
the little beagle I had rescued from the side of the highway a couple of 
weeks ago had multiplied by 6.  She is now the proud mother of 6 new 
little puppies.  One of our PAWS ladies had taken a soft new blanket out 
there for the mother before she delivered and they are all snuggled up 
together on it.  They may be ready to find homes by Christmas, but 
adorable as they are, a puppy is not a good Christmas gift for someone 
who is unprepared for the responsibility that they involve.  

Be sure and make plans this weekend to attend the "Petal Pushers" 
Fundraising event at the Goldberg and Joseph Heritage Park this Saturday 
from 3:00 to 6:00.  There will be a silent auction of all manner of 
wonderful donated items, and a "Basket Auction" to raise money to 
replenish the flowers and plants in the downtown planters.  The Main 
Street program, various downtown merchants and others have provided the 
materials for these, but they need your help to keep them beautiful from 
season to season and year to year.  Everyone is welcome to come down and 
visit, browse, have some refreshments with us and buy or donate to the 
cause.  A drive down Main Street will show you just how worthwhile a 
cause this is to support.   And you don't want to miss the "Flower 
Fashion Contest" with the contestants dressed to the hilt in their most 
flowery finery.  See you there.

Our menu for today includes:

             Turkey pot roast
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Pasta bar
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is Hamburgers and French Fries, and for dessert have a 
helping of Banana Pudding.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)      

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