[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. Oct. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 8 09:38:35 CDT 2007

Happy Columbus Day everybody,

Boy, Columbus had the luck didn't he?  Set out to find one thing and 
finds something even bigger and better!  

I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend.  They really go by fast though, 
don't they?  Before you know it, it's Monday morning and that annoying 
alarm clock is going off by your head, making you want to slap it. 

I hope you are all making plans to attend the EOSC Staff/Faculty picnic 
this coming Saturday.  Please be sure and send in your RSVP to Anne 
Hester this week so we can make sure we have enough food lined up to 
feed everyone.   We have games planned, an inflatable jumping enclosure, 
and who knows what, and want to have as many as possible of our EOSC 
family in attendance.  I was afraid that due to family conflicts, I 
might have to be out of town that day, but I think we've got that ironed 
out.  Whew!  Dodged a bullet on that one!  Anne was already threatening 
my life when I mentioned the possibility.

Our menu for today includes:
             Chicken parmesan with pasta
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green peas
             Baked potato bar
             Hot rolls

Our fast food is tacos, refried beans, spanish rice, and nacho chips 
with picante sauce, and for dessert, cool off with some ice cream and 

For dinner this evening we'll be having:
                 Pit ham
                Steamed red potatoes
                Black eyed peas
                Breaded squash
                Winter blend vegetables

The fast food will be burritos, chili, and nachos with cheese sauce and 

Tuesday's breakfast will feature:
                Biscuits and gravy
                Fried eggs
                French toast

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)


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