[Eoscstudents] Guest speaker: Forensic science

Karen Harrison kdharrison at eosc.edu
Wed Oct 10 09:40:52 CDT 2007

Dr. Dwight Adams, Director of UCO's Forensic Science Institute will 
present a talk,  "Forensic Science in the FBI Laboratory and the 
University of Central Oklahoma", Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 11:00 am in Pratt 
Little Theater.  Dr. Adams is retired Director of the FBI Laboratory in 
Quantico, Virginia.  While Dr. Adams was with the FBI, he was a member 
of the research team that developed the DNA techniques first used in 
1988 and  was the first to testify in federal court using DNA evidence.  
Dr. Adams oversaw the creation of the National DNA database which links 
175 crime laboratories and is responsible for solving or aiding more 
than 30,000 cases nationwide.  He also was Director during the 9/11, 
anthrax, and shoe bomber investigations.  In 2003, he was the recipient 
of the Presidential Rank Award as Distinguished Executive, the highest 
award given in the Federal Government.

All are invited to attend Dr. Adams' presentation, especially students 
who have an interest in biology, forensics, and criminal justice.  
Please bring a lunch and join us in the President's Dining Room after 
his speech for a question and answer session.

I hope to see you on Tuesday!
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