[Eoscstudents] Homecoming Activities

Ann Owens aowens at eosc.edu
Wed Oct 10 10:45:34 CDT 2007

Following is a list of activities planned for Homecoming Week October 28
through November 3, 2007.  Hope you will participate in any or all of the
activities!  We are planning a week of fun!!!




October 28 (Sunday) - CHILI COOK-OFF 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. 

Bring your best pot of chili and enter it in the chili cook-off.  There will
be prizes for chili in five categories - HOT, traditional, wild meat, white
and miscellaneous.  If you would rather "taste" the chili, come out between
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.  and vote on your favorite chili.  After you vote,
grab a bowl and have some chili for lunch.  The cost is adults $5.00 and
children $3.00.  

The basketball teams will be around to meet and greet all our guests.  After
lunch catch our baseball team over at the baseball field. 

October 29 (Monday) - GURNEYS AND GOOBERS 2 P.M. 

Faculty and staff along with students are invited to participate in the
gurney races which will take place in front of the field house.  Teams will
consist of 1 person on the gurney and 4 others pushing it around the course.
There will be spirit points and goobers awarded to all participants.  Later
that evening Game Show Night will take place in the ballroom at 7 P.M. 

October 30 (Tuesday) - Pumpkin Carving Contest 2 P.M. 

Students will have one hour to carve or decorate a pumpkin which will be
judged by members of the faculty.  Immediately following the carving contest
students will have the opportunity to wrestle in the pumpkin seeds and
leftovers from the carving contest.  This should be a site to see.  Hope you
can take a few minutes to come out and watch.  All this will take place on
the front lawn of the campus.  

Mr. Eastern Contest will be held at Mitchell Auditorium at 7 P.M. which is a
fun time to watch some of our male students perform on stage!  

October 31 (Wednesday) - Trunk or Treat  

Our students will enjoy carnival activities set up just for them between 3
P.M. and 5 P.M.  Many of our clubs and organizations are planning to sponsor
activities for the carnival.  There will be inflatables, an apple dunking
contest (Nursing), baseball throw (Baseball), basketball free throw
(Nursing), concessions ( McAlester campus, Psycho), bake sale (Cafeteria),
bull riding (Aggie), hamburgers and hot dogs (Aggie), pie in the face (PBL),
a jail booth ( DOC) and a dunk tank (Alumni).  

>From 6 P.M. - 8 P.M. we will invite the community to bring their children
out to "trick or treat" and enjoy the carnival activities. In addition some
of the carnival activities will change for the children.  We will have the
apple dunking, basketball free throw, inflatables and concessions.  In
addition there will be fortune telling and face painting (Characters).  All
the clubs and organizations will also provide treats for their visitors out
of their car trucks.  They will decorate their trunks and receive spirit
points and awards for the best decorated trunk.  If you want to help with
activities there are a few activities that have not been adopted, i.e., duck
pond, bingo and pop walk.  Hope you will come and enjoy the evening of
Halloween it should be a real "trick and treat"!  

November 1 (Thursday) - Celebrating Native American Month 

There will be a Native American Day activity in the Ballroom at 2 P.M. to
celebrate our Native American heritage. 

The Basketball teams will play Paris at 6 P.M. and 8 P.M. in the field

The Comedy Hypnotist will be in Mitchell Auditorium at 10 P.M. 

November 2 (Friday) - Pep Rally and Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction  

This year the Homecoming activities have changed from previous years for
Friday and Saturday.  The Homecoming rehearsal will take place at 11 A.M. in
the field house. 

The Pep Rally will be held at noon at the field house - another change from
previous years.  We want to invite everyone to the Rally to show support for
our teams.  We hope you will plan to attend.  

The Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction will be held at Pete's Place at 6:30
P.M.  Everyone is invited to attend the dinner.  The cost is $20 person.
You can make your reservations by calling or emailing the Foundation/Alumni
office X761 before October 26.  Our Hall of Fame inductee for this year is
Dr. Bill Cole, former President at East Central University in Ada.  

November 3 (Saturday) - Homecoming Day 

Saturday will be an informal day.  We want everyone to come casual and enjoy
the day.  

The Hilltoppers Breakfast will be held at 8:30A in the President's Dining
Room.  This is a time for all our retired faculty and staff to come together
and visit with those they have not seen in a while. 

This year we are bringing back the Homecoming Parade.  It will start at 10
A.M. There will be floats, all the club's and organization's candidates, and
much more.  Hope you all will be in downtown Wilburton at 10 A.M. 

After the Parade, the Alumni Association will meet in the Coffee Shop.  A
Tailgate Party will begin at 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. in front of the Field
house.  The Aggie Club will cook hamburgers and hot dogs.  (Thank you, Eddie
Woods)  The Basketball games start at 1 P.M. (Women) and 3 P.M. (Men) with
coronation of the King and Queen at halftime.  

The finale of Homecoming will be the Dance held in the Ballroom from 9 P.M.
- midnight.  

We are celebrating Eastern Oklahoma State College Homecoming with a week's
worth of activities.  We are hoping that all our faculty, staff and students
will participate in some way during the week.  Help us show that "EASTERN
PRIDE" is alive and well!  

There will be Eastern Pride buttons and "Homecoming" ribbons for all to

If you have any questions, please give me a call at x761 or email.  Thanks
for your support and we'll see you at Homecoming! 

Ann Owens 

Director of Foundation / Alumni 

918-465-1761 office 

918-916-0715 cell 



Director of Foundation / Alumni

918-465-1761 office

918-916-0715 cell




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