[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Oct. 16

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Oct 16 10:18:10 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

Boy, we're having a busy day here in the Cafeteria!   We seem to have 
two or three things going on at once, the largest of which is the KEDDO 
Aging Conference.  We also have Dr. Dwight Adams, Director of the 
University of Central Oklahoma's Forensic Science Institute on campus to 
speak at 11:00 in the Pratt Little Theater.  This should be very 
interesting, especially if you are into biology, criminial justice or 
forensics, (or if you really like watching CSI, NCIS, and other such TV 

A lot of  you will remember Rani Tjugito, who graduated last May.  I got 
an email from her yesterday and she is now at Rutgers, in New Jersey, 
majoring in Chemical Engineering, and is only about 45 minutes from New 
York City, so when she has spare time on the weekends or whenever, she 
can just run over there and sight-see.  She says she really misses 
Eastern and all the friends she made here.  It was really good to hear 
from her and to know that Eastern had a positive impact on her life, 
setting her on the road to a brilliant future.

Our menu for today includes:

                Turkey pot roast
                Steamed red potatoes
                Green beans
                Hot rolls

And our fast food is a Tuna Salad Sandwich or Stew and Crackers, with 
Lemon Cake for dessert.

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)     
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