[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wet Wed. Sept. 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 5 09:56:28 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

Well, we've gone back into the rainy season, it looks like, but at least 
it's not hot!  I can deal with it.  I notice they keep postponing the 
"Hose Down" because of the rain.  I don't get it.  Isn't the point to 
get wet?  Why would rain stop that?  I can understand how it's playing 
heck with our ball teams and their schedules, though.  I wouldn't want 
to have to be out there on a ball field likely to get struck by 
lightning, either, but you always see ball games on TV being played in 
pouring rain, snow, whatever.   I guess that's why they get the big 
bucks, huh?

We've had a dilemma at our house the past few days.  We can't find the 
cell phone.  At all.  Anywhere.  And it's new.  A red krazr?  My 
daughter thinks her life is over.  We've looked every logical place and 
plenty of illogical ones, but we can't see it or hear it anywhere.  It 
must be either dead or on silent.   With this rain, I just hope it's not 
outside somewhere, but I wouldn't bet on anything.  Where do cell phones 
go when they hide?   I really had second thoughts about sending off the 
trash before finding the phone, but it's gone now, so that's that.  If 
anyone has any good ideas on where to seek an AWOL cell phone, please 
let me know!  We're getting desperate.  My daughter can't find it, my 
husband can't find it, and I really thought if I really looked, of 
course, I'd be able to find it no problem, but not this time.  I'm 

Our menu for today includes:

                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Steamed cabbage
                Navy beans
                Fried okra
                Baby carrots
                Baked potato bar
                Hot rolls

Our fast food is Hot Ham and Cheese on a Bun.

And for dessert, try some Boston Cream Pie.

Keep dry,

Rhoda   :-)      
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