[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Sept. 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Sep 6 09:27:06 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

Well, the great cell phone hunt is still on.  I had one really good tip 
yesterday from Daniel Peoples advising me to check with the carrier and 
they could locate the AWOL contraption by GPS signal.  I tried.  
Evidently our carrier doesn't do that.  May I never be a stranded 
mountain climber depending on that feature to save me.  (Like I climb 
mountains!)   Actually it would've been pretty creepy if they could've 
told me exactly where in my house to look, like "Go into the bedroom and 
look under the pile of dirty socks in the corner where the dog hid it."  
I think I'd've had to discontinue my service.   I also got a tip on what 
to do if I find it in the rain, which is looking more and more likely, 
as we run out of places in the house to search.   According to Becky 
Davenport, just open it up, take out the battery and put it in a bag of 
white rice for 24 hours.  This should dry it out enough to get it going 
again.  Now if I could just find it.

Don't forget tonight is Indian Taco night in the Cafeteria, too.  Just 
$5.00 for a delicious and filling Indian Taco and drink, and we do the 
dishes.  An Indian Taco is one of those things that has all the food 
groups in it, between the meat, bread, veggies and cheese on top.  You 
can't beat it.

We have a great menu for you today including:

            Spaghetti with meat sauce
            Broccoli with cheese sauce
            Seasoned rice
            Baby carrots
            Garlic rolls
            Baked potato bar

Our fast food is Cheeseburgers and French Fries.

And for dessert we have that delicious Peaches and Cream Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)                      
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