[Eoscstudents] Menu for Fri. April 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 11 10:09:54 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Just looking out our back door here, I can see bunches of buses here for 
the FFA Interscholastic Contest.   If you see any of these young people 
on campus, please make them welcome, and assist them in any way you 
can.  When they think about where they want to go to college, we want 
them to think of us first.

I have come a long way since Christmas.  After all this time of not 
having one, I got a cell phone in my stocking, and since then I've 
learned how to make calls, take pictures, text message, change ring 
tones, and lots of other neat stuff.  The only thing is, some of the 
ring tones are just songs that I like to hear.  I caught myself the 
other day listening to the Bee Gees, just enjoying life and right before 
it stopped playing, I realized it was my phone going off.  (I still 
don't know who was calling me.)  Maybe I should go back to the old 
annoying ring tones that immediately let me know to answer the phone if 
only to make the noise stop.  

I believe the Azalea Festival is going on up at Muskogee this month, so 
if it's not too chilly for you this weekend, it's really a beautiful 
place to visit.

Our menu for today includes:

          Refried beans
          Mexican rice
          Mexican corn
          Chicken gumbo soup
          Chicken strips
          French fries
          Full salad bar

And for dessert have a piece of yummy Chocolate Cake. 

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)
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