[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Monday April 14

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 14 09:30:27 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, if you owe your favorite uncle, (Uncle Sam), any money, you'd 
better get it in the mail by tomorrow.  He's kinda picky about that sort 
of thing.  Not the sort of relative you can just owe forever and keep 
promising to pay and not come through with the cash.  Too bad we haven't 
gotten our promised rebate already.  I think it would just take care of 
what we owe this year.  It's kind of one of those cases of Uncle Sam 
giveth and Uncle Sam taketh away.   The bad thing is, he's taking away 
first, now we have to wait for who knows how long on the "giveth" part.

I hope you all had a great weekend.  It was a little chilly, but I still 
managed to get out and tackle some shrubs at the house that had been let 
run rampant last year.  I think our "great flood", when the washer hose 
burst and we had to have the house overhauled, got me way off my game on 
yard work, etc. last year.  And if you look at my hands and arms, I look 
like I may have lost the "Battle of the Shrubs".  They do fight back.  I 
managed to retrain my clematis to climb the arch again, with the help of 
some twistie ties, and got rid of some old dead blackberry canes, (very 
thorny).  I'm hoping the blackberry bushes have decided to leave my 
flower bed.  They had pretty much  taken it over for a few years.  It 
was always nice to be able to come out and eat juicy berries right in 
front of the house, but man, the thorns!  The other blackberry bushes 
around are starting to form buds, that will burst into bloom, and along 
about June will become those juicy, delicious berries we all look 
forward to.  In spite of the frost on the windshield this morning, I 
heard birds singing like crazy to greet the new day when I stepped out 
of my car here at work.  That's a great sound to start your day off.  
(It certainly helps soothe those nerves that are still jangled from that 
annoying alarm clock!)

Our menu for today includes:

             Steak fingers
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Sweet peas
             California blend vegetables
             Baked potato bar
             Hot rolls               
            ddd Deli selections
             Potato chips

And for dessert, a preview of summer days, Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great week,

Rhoda   :-)

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