[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. April 21

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 21 09:56:12 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I hope you all got out and enjoyed the wonderful weekend weather we just 
had.  I enjoyed going to the Green Frog Festival downtown on Friday, 
even though the weather was cooler.  Saturday and Sunday I worked here 
in the Cafeteria, and tried to take care of the salad bar.  I really 
hadn't known that I would be doing that, so you can imagine the shocked 
look on my face when I found out I had to come up with 17 different 
things to stock it with!  That sounds like a lot at first, then you get 
started filling it up and get on a roll, and it doesn't sound so bad, 
until those last few empty crocks are sitting there and you've run out 
of ideas (or availability) of things to put in them. Then you're right 
back to when it sounded like a lot. I finally figured out enough things 
to fill it up (whew) and survived the day with only one band-aid 
needed.  (Did I ever mention that I'm not a kitchen person?  Believe me, 
I did not get the job as Cafeteria secretary because I knew diddly squat 
about kitchen stuff.  I think I've gained a new respect for all the work 
these ladies and men have to do in here.)  It was one of those days when 
you just go around all day working and working and still feeling like 
you've forgotten to do something, so I've locked myself in my office all 
day, and tried to keep a low profile, waiting for the moment when 
someone who knows what they're doing figures out what all I may have 
messed up or forgotten.  Maybe I should've hid that big sharp knife... 

I was sorry to see the email from Ali Martinez that Lynn Gammons will be 
leaving Eastern.  I wish her all the best in her new endeavors.  She 
will be missed.

Our Food Services Manager, Mildred Whisenhunt, celebrated a working 
birthday last Friday.  I'm sure she would've rather been out in her 
flower bed, or maybe even just still in bed, but she came in to work 
anyway.  Now that's dedication!   

Our menu for today includes:

          Fried chicken
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Green beans
          Winter blend vegetables
          Hot rolls
          Tuna salad
          Potato chips

And for dessert, make your own concoction with our soft serve Ice Cream 
and variety of Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)        
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